
We have greatly enjoyed presenting string workshops and meeting teachers across Europe and at many places around the world. These have included two workshop tours of Australia, workshops in Hong Kong and Singapore, trips to many beautiful cities in Europe, and presentations in the UK from Glasgow to Cornwall. Often these have sparked musical ideas – Dutch translations of songs in the Starters books, arrangements of Portuguese and Slovenian folk tunes, a spirited fugue on the Cornish May Song – all of these (and more) are available free on our website, and thank you teachers for your inspiration!

As an example, our diary for 2017 saw us present workshops in The Netherlands, Lisbon and Porto in Portugal and Mainz in Germany, as well as trips to the ESTA UK Summer School in Chichester and a special ESTA weekend at Saffron Walden where Nicola Benedetti presented us with an award for exceptional services to string teaching. Thank you ESTA! – we have greatly valued your support over the years.


‘Thank you for the most outstanding workshop in Kentisbeare yesterday. We all had a lovely time, and all the students I taught today were full of enthusiasm for what they had learnt and had told all their teachers! You are both an inspiration to teachers and pupils, and the whole afternoon was such fun!’
Sue Rivett (ESTA UK South West)

‘Kathy and David’s ideas and approach had the ESTA members frantically trying to scribble them down, in the hope that they could remember all of their words of wisdom and put them to good use in their coming weeks of teaching. All the teachers were delighted when they discovered that most of these ideas could be found in the new Starter book.’
Samantha Laverick (Workshop in Leeds, Sept. 2012)

‘It was great to meet you – the writers/composers of so much of the music we listen to daily in our teaching! I know many people enjoyed the workshops immensely.’
Ian Russell (Manager, South DECS Instrumental Music Service, South Australia)

‘Within minutes Kathy had the whole room marching, singing, moving and counting to beginner chants and games. . . . it was great to see so many people becoming involved!’
Melissa Franks (AUSTA National Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, July 2009)